Review „The Shawshank Redemption”

„The Shawshank Redemption” is an american movie released in 1994, written and directed by Frank Darabont. The film is a screening of Stephen King’s novel „Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption”, published in 1982.
” The Shawshank Redemption” is the emotionamt story of Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), a young banker who gets two life sentences for the murder of his wife and her lover’s. He is sent to Shawshank Prison, where he meets Ellis „Red” Boyd (Morgan Freeman), whom he befriends and gets help from to survive the tough life behind bars. The plot of the movie consists of the constant battle Andy has with a flawed sistem, but, above everything else, with himself. The drama of the main character and his friends’ is compassionately described, the main purpose of the characters being keeping their humanity until the end.
„The Shawshank Redemption” is a unique cinematic experience, an impressive life story that draws you into its world, making you go through the same feelings as the characters. An exceptional movie, a complete artistic act with a great emotional impact, which is worth seeing at least once.
„The Shawshank Redemption” este un film american din anul 1994, scris si regizat de Frank Darabont. Filmul este o ecranizare dupa nuvela lui Stephen King „Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption”, publicata in 1982.
„The Shawshank Redemption” este povestea emotionanta, dar si brutala a vietii lui Andy Dufresne, jucat de Tim Robbins, un tanar bancher care ajunge la inchisoarea Shawshank cu doua condamnari pe viata pentru uciderea sotiei sale si a amantului acesteia. Aici il cunoaste pe Ellis „Red” Boyd (Morgan Freeman), un barbat inchis de 20 de ani, de care se apropie si care il va ajuta sa se acomodeze cu duritatea penitenciarului si a vietii de dupa gratii. Filmul are ca esenta conditia umana pusa in fata unei sorti necinstite, Andy fiind nevoit sa se lupte cu un sistem cu multe lacune, dar, mai presus de toate, cu propria persoana. Drama personajului principal, dar si a prietenilor sai este prezentata cu seriozitate si compasiune, in ea fiind integrata speranta, punandu-se accentul pe pastrarea umanitatii pana in ultima clipa.
„The Shawshank Redemption” este o experienta cinematografica unica, o poveste de viata impresionanta, care te atrage in lumea sa si te face sa simti odata cu personajele, trecand prin fiecare dintre trairile acestora. Un film exceptional, un act artistic complet cu un mare impact emotional, care merita vazut cel putin o data.
Moț Tatiana Cristina
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